Growing an Instagram Following
In three easy Steps
Did you know in terms of active users, Instagram ranks second, only to Facebook? That’s right, there are more users on Instagram than almost every other social media platform out there. So if there are millions of accounts, how do you reach them? And why is your following so slow? These are some questions we get asked all the time so we thought we’d put together our quick and dirty tips that are almost guaranteed to grow your following. And hey, if they don’t, you will at least have a better Instagram presence, which is just as good.
1. Utilize that little thing called the Instagram Story. This is huge. Instagram stories are not only hugely popular because of their fun stickers and text additions, but they also pop up on the top of your news feed making your profile relevant even if you haven’t posted to your feed recently. These stories are quick, easy, and simple. Whether you post a simple boomerang (always popular) or a fun quote for #MotivationMonday, there is no right or wrong thing to post. Don’t worry about a caption and take five minutes out of your day to post to your story. Post daily so something is always on your story and you will notice immediate growth.
2. Engage with your followers. All Instagram users want to know you care. When they comment on your photo, respond. When they send you a message, don’t ignore them. And when you see a fun photo on someone else’s profile, return the favor and comment. You’d be amazed by how much a quick comment can build good-will within your followers and make people want to not only follow your account, but more importantly follow your business and you.
3. Post actively on your feed. So you’ve posted on your story and engaged with your followers. What is next? Well, now that people have begun to follow your brand and your account, utilize that. Use your feed to show off what your business is up to on a greater level, not just what is going on day-to-day. Your feed is your chance to create your brand. These posts won’t go away after 24 hours so make them count. Our recommendation? Don’t post excessively but be sure to post at least a few times a week. People love photos, that is why they are on Instagram!